I managed to find 5 RSS feeds that I think will be really helpful. It was harder than I thought to find the feeds I could use. Many of the search engines were aimed at finding sites related to K-12 teachers when you search on terms like "education". If others are having this problem, what worked for me were the search terms "corporate training" and "eLearning". This still did not give me what I really wanted, which was feeds for eLearning related to Nursing Education, but I think what I have found so far will be helpful. A friend offered the suggestion for one of the feeds that I found to be really useful related to Nursing Education.
The feeds I chose are:
Corporate Training: eLearning Technology
Corporate Training BNET
Best of eLearning
The Rapid eLearning Blog
Promoting Problem-Based Learning in Nursing Education
When I went through the process of selecting these sites, I found a lot of good articles related to technology, which was exactly what I was looking for. There were great tips and reviews of software and hardware related to eLearning. This should save me a lot of time, sweat, and tears of frustration. In addition, there are articles related to presentation styles, and how to deal with some of the problems one encounters in the classroom. For example, I found a lot of discussion about how to, and whether to deal with distracted learners. Apparently mine is not the only classroom where learners are spending a good deal of their time sending text messages, etc.
The combination of focusing on eLearning, corporate training, and Nursing Education is a very important balance for me. I am acting as a change agent in my organization, so I really need to be versant in the technological side of eLearning. I need to know what the trends are in corporate training, because that is really what I do. Our corporation is a hospital, but the way that we plan and deliver our training is most closely related to corporate training. There is also a lot of information in these feeds about return on investment, and the need to change learner behavior on the job. This is definitely the focus in our work, too. Of course, I must also be able to tie this in with what is happening in the Nursing Education world.
I believe the feeds I have chosen will give me a solid basis for making the kinds of arguments I need to make in order to get changes implemented in my workplace. Of course, the information I gather is going to change my practice, too.