Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wk 1 Reading Response

"Art of Possibility. " I love the sound of the phrase. I could ponder it for quite a while without ever having to read a single sentence. I love the way it rolls around on my tongue and in my head. As I read the third rule, regarding giving an A, I was immediately reminded of my son's current baseball coach. This man played ball through college, and has a son who is very skilled. My own son got his first hit last night. He hit a double with bases loaded. It was certainly not the play of the game, but it was a great moment for my son. His coach was grinning from ear to ear. I don't think he could have been any happier than my son was. At every practice and game he chipped away at the stone. He gave an A for every swing that sent the wind swishing by the ball without touching it, telling him exactly what he had done well, and what stone was still clinging to him, blocking him from hitting the ball. The statue emerged last night, and it was beautiful.


  1. @ Janice

    Wow, it sounds like James' coach really understanding the concept of giving an "A" and how motivational it is for his players. Tell James how proud I am of his accomplishment. I believe James will live a life of endless possibilities with the love, concern and guidance of two exceptional parents and mentors like his coach. Coleen

  2. Excellent example of releasing the possibility in another. Ahhh, painful childhood memories, there aren't too many coaches who would be so thoughtful or take the time. You and your son are very fortunate.

  3. @ Janice

    I agree with you Janice! I love the sound of "Art of Possibility" as well. It really allows you to apply it within your life. I like how you applied it to your son and his baseball coach. It is nice to see a coach taking time to encourage his "students."

