Monday, April 19, 2010

Wk 3 Publish Project Part 2 of 3- I took the leap

OK, so I took the leap after some encouragement from my friends Ben and Coleen. I'm just in the waiting mode now. It was really interesting to fill out the proposal. It made me solidify the idea of what I want to get across about my project. I had to choose at least 4 objectives. I ended up with 5. See what you think of these. They had to be written in a particular format - so it isn't really the way I am used to writing objectives. We had to complete the sentence, "In this session, you will learn..."
  • Your participants may be getting less than you think out of live training
  • The power of Survey Monkey in analyzing pre- and posttest results
  • The use of Webquests as a means of teaching research methodology to participants
  • How to create a class wiki site for problem-based learning
  • How to incorporate Introduce gaming motivational strategies without “flashy” tools

So, what do you think? Would you come to this session?

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