Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wk 3 -Response to Classmate #2


WeeK 3: Reading Post: Reconnecting to Life's Passion

I connected with one of the passages in this weeks reading about passion:

Life takes on shape and meaning when a person is able to transcend
the barriers of personal survival and become a unique conduit for
vital energy.

I feel like I spent several years in the survival mode after my divorce nine years ago. It is only in the past few years that I feel like I have been able to transcend these barriers and become passionately involved in life again. I still have one last hurdle and that is to open myself up to the possibility of having another relationship.

Maybe he's the one I
will lose my head over??


jratka said...

LOL!! That was great.
Joking aside, it has been amazing to watch your journey. You showed tremendous grace under fire in those early years, always making decisions based on what was healthiest for your children. They have an amazing mother!
Your capacity to forgive, your generosity, and your resilience are all traits that I aspire to.

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