Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wk 3 - Response to classmate #1

Sunday, April 18, 2010

MAC-Week 2-Reading Response

Okay so I was a little skeptical about this book, but the more I read it the more I am enjoying the principles the authors are sharing (considering that I said I don't usually like non-fiction). I really enjoyed the chapter on how to be a contribution. I felt like this portion of the book made me step back and ask the question that the authors asked "How will I be a contribution today?" (p. 57) I think as an educator I haven't taken the time to ask myself this question. I would like to think that over the last 8 years as a teacher that I have made a contribution to the lives of the children that have been in my classroom. I sometimes wonder if that contribution was positive. I wonder how else I could have contributed to their educational experiences. At times I wonder did I contribute enough? I think any contribution to the lives of the children I have had contact with has helped me grow as a person and hopefully has made a positive impact on their lives as well.

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