Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wk 4 Publish Project Part 3 of 3- Waiting...

So, I have submitted my proposal to speak at the DevLearn conference in San Francisco this November. Now I wait. Part of me wants to be accepted, but if I'm honest, part of me wants to be turned down. I am still a bit intimidated by the folks I imagine would go to this conference. Will they think my project was puny???? Will they laugh at my "discovery" of the power of Wikis and WebQuests as classroom teaching methods? Rejection is so much easier to take when you don't have to look at the faces of the folks who think you are lame!
On the other hand, there is an opportunity to reach out to people, who like me, want to find a better way, but may not know exactly how or where to start. My whole purpose for getting into this degree program was to learn a different way to deliver excellent education. Maybe there is enough of an audience out there that would benefit from hearing about my experience with this process.


  1. @ Janice

    I think you have a great opportunity to reach out to other instructors the same way you did when you published your article. You have a very natural style of presenting that will help you reach your new audience.

  2. @ Janice
    That is very exciting news! I think there is a huge audience out there that would benefit greatly from hearing your experience through this ARP. It is going to be a great opportunity to reach other educators who are looking for innovative ways to engage students. Good Luck!
