Thursday, April 15, 2010

WK 2 Publish Project Part 1 of 3- The search is on

Is this the one? That's what I keep asking myself. I was pretty sure that this conference would be the perfect one to submit my proposal to, but somehow I got cold feet when Joe mentioned, ever so casually, that whatever conference we submitted to, we should be ready to do it, because they would probably accept the proposal. Hmm...I guess this means the conference is definitely outside of my comfort zone! So, as usual when I have to make a decision like this, I am thinking in terms of up-side and down-side to making the presentation at this conference. On the + side ( and this is huge) my partner in crime, Coleen Elmers, said she is willing to co-present with me at this conference. + The date is far enough off that I would have the luxury of time to prepare. + The location is great; I love seeing new places, and I hear SF is a very interesting town. + My presentation would meet the "e-Learning case study" criteria. On the minus side, I would feel more at home among nurses. - Even though I think what we did was really cool, people attending a tech conference are probably way ahead of me on this.
Has anyone been to this conference? I'd love to know what it is like, how the people are, etc.


  1. @ Janice,

    I think we should present at this conference because it would be a great way to grow professionally outside the nursing arena and also because we have a great e-learning story to tell!

  2. Hi Janice,
    I presented at an important state music conference this year on using GarageBand in your band classroom, and was thoroughly terrified, so I understand your concerns. In the end, the presentation went wonderfully and I am much more excited about doing it again. While I am a seasoned vet at presenting technology in my own district, it felt rewarding to present incredibly relevant content to actual music teachers who could walk away and use the lessons I shared. My guess is that you'll feel much the same way.

    I agree with Joe - you'll probably be accepted to present. Conferences are often looking to offer more session choices. Co-presenting with Colleen is a great idea that should ease your concerns. Go for it!

  3. I think it would be awesome for you and Coleen to co present at the conference. It would be a great experience for the both of you, and not to mention the exposure. Conventions are always good to network and meet new people, you never know who it may be, and how they can help and influence your path.

  4. @Janice,

    I conducted two presentations at DevLearn in 2008, and found the entire experience to be well worth it! Each session is conducted in small conference rooms, in which the anticipation for your presentation will determine the size of the room. I found the atmosphere to be comfortable and relaxed, and my nerves disappeared soon after I began my presentation.

    I have to agree with Ben that you and Coleen would be perfect for this conference. There is a good chance that I will be presenting Lectora and Lectora Online at DevLearn in 2010, and would love the opportunity network with each of you again!
